Direct Push
Uni-Tech offers a variety of direct push units. These probes allow for the collection and installation of soil samples (macro cores), discrete groundwater samples, vapor points, temporary monitoring wells, monitoring wells, piezometers, and many other specialty items. The benefit of using these units is less labor, faster setup and drilling times, less cuttings, and an easier decontamination process.
Uni-Tech has recently purchased a brand new Geoprobe 7822DT. This unit is fast and powerful. It can perform direct push, auguring, mud rotary and rock coring. This combination makes it a perfect match for any environmental project.
Direct Push Drilling Services Include
- Macro Core Sampling
- Monitoring Wells
- Discrete Groundwater Sampling
- Chemical Injection
- Geoprobe up to 3″ dia. samples
- Soil and Vapor Points
- Electrical Conductivity Logging
- … and much more. Call for additional services